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Showing posts from July, 2020

Bunyip: Australia’s Mysterious Amphibian Monster

 Arguably the most globally recognized mythicalcreature from Australia is the bunyip, an important staple in Aboriginal folklore. This amphibious being poses a threat to allwho travel near the inland waters. Lurking in lagoons, deep water-holes, swamps,and rivers, this predatory creature presents a clear danger to humans and animals alike,threatening to drown or eat them at a moment’s notice. Originating in the stories and beliefs ofthe southeastern indigenous peoples of Australia, accounts of the bunyip are widely varied,but a few things are for certain: it’s big, scary, and won’t hesitate to kill you. [Monstrum intro.] The word bunyip most likely came from an Aboriginalword for an amphibious spirit-being. Australian indigenous peoples believe thebeings are separate from the ancestors and the Aboriginal people themselves, and werebelieved to exist alongside humans. The bunyip goes by several other names depending on who is telling the story. The tricky thing about bunyips is that ...