Ever wondered why we seem to be fascinated by Vampires? Arguably the most recognizable Blood Sucker in History.
Watch this Video to understand how Vampires First came to know to the world.
He’s tall, thin, faceless, and wears a dark suit. Once he’s in your life—you’re doomed. If you try to learn more about him or even think about him, it only makes it easier for him to find you. He’s the notorious Internet monster—Slender Man. This 21st-century monster gained popularity as more and more content was created and shared about him, enough so that he jumped the digital border and began to infiltrate other media. Video games, comic books, and movies show him stalking humans. People also dress up like him and hunt for him in the woods. Then...there’s the tragic attempted murder of a 12-year-old girl in 2014 that made him a household name. Unlike so many other monsters we know exactly when this one was created and by whom, a rarity made possible by the Internet. His obscurity is what makes him scary, but the real impact of this monster is how he changed folklore forever. On June 8, 2009 the online forum Something Awful posted a photoshop challenge: ...
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